As issues continue to develop and change at a quick rate with COVID-19, the Coronavirus, we at the Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA) are working alongside Governor Tony Evers, the Administration, the National Association of Counties (NACo) and our general counsel, Attolles Law, s.c., to provide the latest resources and updates to assist county officials during this unprecedented time.

Q and A: Election Recount Processes and Procedures During a Pandemic

November 16, 2020

County governments around the State continue to face unprecedented situations and issues in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the close presidential election results in Wisconsin, county and municipal clerks throughout the state are preparing for a potential election recount. The Wisconsin Counties Association and its general counsel, von Briesen & Roper, s.c., have received many questions surrounding election recount procedures, particularly surrounding what safety measures may be implemented in light of the ongoing pandemic. 

Our general counsel has prepared the Q & A below to provide information related to election recount procedures based upon the questions received. This Q & A will focus on questions surrounding the public’s right to monitor the recount process and safety measures that may be implemented due to the pandemic. A broader overview of the election recount process in Wisconsin can be found in the Wisconsin Elections Commission’s (“WEC”) Election Recount Procedure Manual. 

This information should be reviewed carefully with corporation counsel and WEC guidance to ensure county compliance with other applicable laws and regulations, including its own policies and procedures