COVID-19 Daily Update: 4.6.2020
This 4.6.2020 WCA COVID-19 Daily Update focuses on Wisconsin and United States Supreme Court decisions impacting the April 7, 2020 election, as well as an updated Q and A for county employee unemployment insurance benefits under the CARES Act.

COVID-19 Daily Update: 4.3.2020
This 4.3.2020 WCA COVID-19 Daily Update discusses Governor Evers calling for a special session on the spring election, as well as several legal updates.

COVID-19 Daily Update: 4.2.2020
The 4.2.2020 WCA COVID-19 Daily Update highlights Federal Judge Conley’s ruling the spring primary election will be held April 7, as well as look into “Safer at Home” FAQs.

COVID-19 Daily Update: 4.1.2020
This 4.1.2020 WCA COVID-19 Daily Update looks into Q&A for county payroll tax issues under the FFCRA and CARES Act, a LFB memo on state funding under the CARES Act, and CDC interim guidance on management of COVID-19 in corrections settings.

COVID-19 Daily Update: 3.31.2020
This 3.31.2020 WCA COVID-19 Daily Update features WCA’s Mark O’Connell on WisEye’s “Newsmakers with Steve Walters” discussing the county response to COVID-19, as well as a Forward Analytics report, “COVID-19 and Sales Tax Revenues.”

COVID-19 Daily Update: 3.30.2020
This 3.30.2020 WCA COVID-19 Daily Update features a legal update on county board and committee meetings-compliance with open meetings law requirements during the COVID-19 public health emergency, DOL guidance on definitions of “emergency responder” and health care provider,” and updates from Governor Tony Evers.

COVID-19 Daily Update: 3.28.2020
The 3.28.2020 WCA COVID-19 Daily Update features the U.S. Department of Labor issuing guidance on definitions of “emergency responder” and “healthcare provider,” as well discusses Emergency Order #16 dealing with licensing requirements of healthcare professionals.

Most Requested COVID-19 Documents: Week of 3.23.2020
From new leave entitlements under FFCRA to tax provisions impacting government employers, check out the most requested COVID-19 documents for the week of 3.23.2020 from WCA General Counsel von Briesen.