As issues continue to develop and change at a quick rate with COVID-19, the Coronavirus, we at the Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA) are working alongside Governor Tony Evers, the Administration, the National Association of Counties (NACo) and our general counsel, Attolles Law, s.c., to provide the latest resources and updates to assist county officials during this unprecedented time.

COVID-19 Daily Update: 3.18.2020

March 18, 2020

This WCA COVID-19 Daily Update features the WCEA/WCA webinar, as well as coverage of the city and county leadership call.

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COVID-19 Daily Update: 3.17.2020

March 17, 2020

This initial WCA COVID-19 Daily Update highlights a von Briesen/WCA Webinar, a sample emergency declaration template, a local health officer and county emergency management powers, and a link to the von Briesen COVID-19 Task Force website.

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